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Expand 2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith  2 - The troubles of Piers Griffith
Expand 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion 3 - Arllechwedd Uchaf : Cororion
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379 - Sale by Ithel ap David ap Gwenllian, free tenant of the township of Trysglwyn Ednyfed, commote of Twrcelyn, Anglesey, with the permission of Tudur ap Llewelyn, his lord, to Madoc Ddu ap Meurig of the same township, of 7 virgates of land called Yr Erw Vieryawc, Erw Wyawn, and Kefyn Guenawc is Trysglwyn Ednyfed Consideration : 24s. Witnesses: Tudur ap Madoc, Iorwerth Wyddel, Einion Chwith ap Einion ap Myfyr, Einion Chwith of Penbol, Iorwerth Ddu ap Iorwerth, et al.
380 - Grant by Phillip ap Griffri and Gwladys verch Madoc, free tenants of the town of Newborough, commote of Menai, Anglesey, to Ievan ap Gwilym ap Gwilkin, burgess of the said town, of all their share in one "place" lying in the said town, between the "place" of David ap Iorwerth ap Einion and the "place" called Y Mab Seys, one side of which abuts above the "place" of Goronwy ap Jockyn, and the other above the way leading from the high street towards Croes Ruffydd. Witnesses: William de Shaldeford, the steward of the commote of Menai; Madoc ap Gwilym; Kendel ap Bleddyn, bailiffs of the town of Newborough, et al. Saturday before the Feast of St. Patrick
381 - Mortgage of Meredydd ap Mabon and Lleuei verch Gronw ap Iago, free tenants of the township of Perthgyr in the commote of Tyndaethwy, Anglesey, to Sir [Dominus] Howel ap Gronw ap Tudur, of all their lands in the aforesaid township; from 4 years to 4 years from the Feast of All Saints (November 1st), 1341 Fine, £2 Rent due to the chief lord of the fee, 17d. p.a. Witnesses: Howel Vychan, David ap Gruffith ap Howel, Gruffith Goch ap Madoc, Eignion Llwyd ap David Prydydd, Howel ap Ednyfed ap Howel, and David Gam ap Gronw ap Howel. Sunday before the Feast of St.Andrew the Apostle
382 - Lease by Gwenllian verch Gwerfil vch David ap Heilyn, free tenant of the township of Cornwylan in the commote of Talybolion, Anglesey, to Ievan Chwerw, free tenant of the commote of Twrcelyn, of three messuages in the aforesaid township, together with her share in the Skerries (?) [Insula socorum]; from the Feast of All Saints (November 1st), 1361 for consecutive terms of 4 years. Witnesses: Gruffith ap Meredith ap David, Tudur ap ......, Cynan ap Iddon, and Iddon ap David, Mred ap Kynwric. Sunday after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul
383 - Grant by Peter de Sardon, burgess of Beaumaris, to Madoc ap Eignion Hir, burgess of Newborough, of one "place" with a garden which were granted to the said Peter by John ap Thomas ap Philip, burgess of Newborough, and which lie between the tenement of Angharad Lloyd and the tenement of David Chwith. Witnesses: Madoc ap Ievan ap Eignion, David ap Gruffith ap Eignion, David ap Symond ap Philip, burgesses of Newborough; Peter Ingham, John Brown, Richard de Golden, William de Haunton, Thomas de Horton, and others. Saturday after the Feast of St.Peter ad Vincula
384 - Grant by Ievan ap Methyvyl verch Gruffith vychan, free tenant of the township of Lledwigan Llys, commote of Malltraeth, Anglesey, to Tudur ap Madoc, free tenant of the same township, of land in Lledwigan Llys. Witnesses: ... ap Gruffydd ap Madoc, Ievan ap David Tailor, ..... ap David ap Madoc, Howel ap Iorwerth Ddu, and Howel ap ........
385 - Grant in perpetuity by Gwenllian verch Ievan ap Iorwerth ap Kefn'th, free tenant of the township of Porthamel, commote of Menai, to William ap Gruffith ap William, of all her lands and tenements in the hamlet of Llwynogan in the said township. Witnesses: Llewelyn ap Hwlkin ap David, Madoc ap Ievan ap Howel, Howel ap Llewelyn ap Ievan ap Iorwerth, Madoc ap Gruffith ap Ynyr, and David ap William Bastard. Given at Porthamel, Monday before the Feast of St. Luke
386 - Copy of a grant by Gwilym ap Gruffith ap Gwilym to Robert ap Gruffith ap Gwilym and Thomas Chamber of all his lands and tenements together with 29 of his bondmen in the townships of Penwynllys, Bodfa, Tirgarw, Crymlyn, Cremlyn Heilyn, Hirdrefaig, Cerrig Wyddel, Porthaethwy, Perthkir, Treforion, Trefor, Dinsylw Frenin, Penhesgin, Bodylgadw, Trefelyas, Llansadwrn, Buarth Bregh, Llangoed, Llwydiarth Esgob, Llandifnaun, Pentraeth, Mathafarn Wion, Castell Bwlchwyn, Mathafarn Eitha, Esceifiog, Cefnburwyn, Newborough, Trefdraeth Destinet, Ynyslwyd, Gwaredog, Trysglwyn, Amlwch and Clorach. Witnesses: James Stangwes, deputy Justice of North Wales, Thomas Barneby, Chamberlain of N. Wales, Ralph de Barton, Sheriff of Anglesey; Richard de Wood, escheator of Anglesey; Meredith ap Kenrik ap Meredith, Robert ap David ap Rees, et al. Given at Penwynllys, Monday after the Feast of All Saints.
387 - Grant by Llewelyn ap Madoc ap David ap Iorweth, free tenant of the township of Bodedern, commote of Llifon, Anglesey, to William ap Gruffith ap William, of all his lands and tenements in the hamlet of Botefran, township of Heneglwys, commote Malltraeth, together with one turbary in the lower part thereof called Cors Botefran lying beside the turbary late of Tudur ap Cynwrig. Witnesses: Llewelyn ap Hwlcyn ap Llewelyn Moel, Iorwerth ap Eignion ap Madoc Goch, Cynwrig ap Meredith ap Tudur et al. Wednesday before the Feast of St Martin
388 - Release and quit claim by Gruffith ap Eignion ap Iorwerth Crach to Rowland Stanley, son of Sir William Stanley, of all actions, real and personal, which he then had against him, and especially concerning the mortgage of one tenement which the said Rowland purchased from Gwilym ap Gruffith ap Ievan ap David Goch.
389 - Release by John Wiche, son and heir of John Wiche, to John Pykmere his brother, of one burgage in Beaumaris, lately assigned, together with part of one messuage, to Eleanor his mother.
390 - Copy of a release by Llywelyn ap Meredith ap Tudur ap Kenrick to Joan, late wife of William ap Griffith, of all his turbary in the vill of Bodweney, commote Malltraeth, lying between the turbaries of Llywelyn ap Madoc ap David and Meredith ap David Vychan.
391 - Grant by Hoen verch Madoc ap Madoc Weney [Winey], widow, to William ap Gwilym ap Gruffith, alias William Gruffith, of all the lands and tenements in Penmynydd (?) which came to her through her mother Nest verch Ievan ap Ednyfed ap Cyfnerth. Witnesses: Ievan ap Dicws, Robyn ap Madoc, Iolo ap Ievan ap Iorwerth, John ap David ap Cynllaith, Llewelyn ap Meurig. Given at Penmynydd
392 - Grant by William Laken and Richard Clerk, with the King's permission, to Sir Henry Ratford and Ellen his wife, of all their lands and tenements together with bondmen in Beaumaris and elsewhere in the county of Anglesey; which lands were lately granted to them by Sir John Stanley.
393 - Letter of attorney by Henry Norreis, Richard Cole, and John Needham, to Robert Grono and William Mershe, to give possession to William Gruffith, son of Joan, formerly the wife of John Pykmere, and Alice his wife, daughter of Richard de Dalton, of all lands, etc. bondmen, and their posterity, in ....... (Anglesey?). Given at Beaumaris
394 - Grant by Gruffith ap Llewelyn ap Ievan ap Ievan to William Gruffith, esq., of Howel ap Dicws ap Llewelyn ap Llowarch, one of his bondmen, and all his posterity, together with all amobrau, reliefs, services and customs of bondmen; in perpetuity; warranty clause. Witnesses: Llewelyn ap Gruffith ap Iorwerth, Ievan ap Meredith ap Bleddyn, Llewelyn ap Iorwerth Tew ap Tudur, Llewelyn ap Kenrick ap Meredith, Tudur ap Dicws, and others. Given at Lledwiganllys
395 - Grant and confirmation by Ievan ap David ap Eignion ap Nes free tenant of the township of Mathafarn Eitha, commote of Tyndaethwy, Anglesey, to William Griffith, esq., of all his lands and tenements, etc., and his share in a mill stone quarry in the aforesaid commote; in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee; warranty clause.
396 - Grant and confirmation by Hoen verch Tudur ap Ievan Ddu, free tenant of the township of Mathafarn Eithia in the commote of Tyndaethwy, Anglesey, to William Griffith, esq., of all her messuages, lands, etc. and her share in a mill-stone quarry in the aforesaid county; in perpetuity of the chief lord of the fee; warranty clause.
397 - Final concord in the Sessions held at Beaumaris, November 1472, between William Griffith, esq., plaintiff, and Ednyfed ap Ievan ap Kenrick and Gwenllian verch Gwerfil verch Ievan Goch, his wife; Madoc ap Llewelyn ap Griffith Dew, and Gwenllian verch Grono ap Ievan Goch, his wife; Rees ap Dicws ap Ievan Goch and Griffith ap Dicws ap Ievan Goch, deforeiants.
398 - Record of a pardon granted to Thomas Gruffith, burgess of Caernarvon, at the Sessions of the county of Anglesey, held at Beaumaris, October, 1482, for purchasing without licence from the Prince of Wales 20 acres of arable land, 10 acres of meadow, and 20 acres of turbary in the township of Comishog Llys, commote of Llifon, from Llewelyn ap Ievab Lelinydd and Angharad verch David ap Meredith his wife, free tenants of the said township; fine, 5s.
399 - Grant in perpetuity by John Moile, son and heir of John Moile, senior, to William Lee, of two burgages in Beaumaris, of which one was lately in the tenure of William Hardyn, and the other in the tenure of Richard Sherwyn, with the exception of one parcel which used to belong to the said Richard, but which is now in the tenure of Thomas Harper, is 12 feet in length and 18 feet in breadth, and lies between the burgage of the said John on the western side and the burgae of the said John in the tenure of Thomas Harper on the east side, and of which one end abuts on the royal road which runs from the Cross to the gate called Hollus Gate, and the other abuts on the royal road called Rotton Row; fee farm rent, 18s.4d.
400-403 - Records of solemn "entries" made by Piers Griffith, as son and heir of Sir Rees Griffith, to lands in Anglesey - hundreds of Menai and Tindaethwy.
Expand 10 - Various  10 - Various
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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