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Collapse 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
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421 - Letter by Archbishop John Williams giving information that the committee of Sequestrations in London had freed the two counties of Anglesey and Caernarvon "from all Delinquencies" [i.e., against the Parliament], and attributing this excellent decision to the influence of General [Thomas] Mytton and the Recorder of London [John Glynne of Glynllifon]. Suggests that letters of thanks be sent to both for "that good to the two Countries [counties] which cannot be parallell'd ..... to theirs parts of Wales in 200 years". To whom addresses is not known for certain, but in all probability "My very good Ld was Thomas, first Viscount Bulkeley of Baron Hill. All in his own hand, signed "Jo: Eborac".
422 - Copy of the last will and testament of Sir Griffith Williams of Penrhyn, accompanied by a long codicil (same date).
423-426 - Oath of allegiance taken by Sir Rober Williams, Bart., of Penrhyn, on the occasion of his appointment as High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire; recognisances for "good behaviour" during shrievalty; a dedimus potestatem; letters patent to tende accounts at the annual audit.
427 - Bond of obligation in £200 by Sir Robert Williams to Griffith ap Robert of Llanllechid, corviser, and to Robert Owen of Aber Garth Celyn, yeoman, to observe faithfully the terms of a pair of indentures of equal date.
428 - Re-demise by indenture by Thomas Wynn of Glascoed and four other gentlemen of co. Caern. to Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn of all the messuages of the estate, with "all slate quarries delfes and slates" included; this was complementary to the demise dated 13 April.
429 - Summons to Edmund Glyn and John Williams, Esqrs., to appear at the Court of Chancery at Westminster on Novr. 29th next ensuing.
430 - "A Draught for Provision for Sir Robert Williams Children written by his Owne hand".
431-432 - "Letter concerning a Match between Mrs Ann Williams [second daughter of Sir Robert Williams] & Mr Ffarington of Worden dated at Chester the 25th of Novr 1675".
433 - Memorandum of an information presented by the Attorney General. Sir William Jones, against Lewis Owen of Peniarth, co. Merioneth, esq., Dame Mary Conway of Bodrhyddan, co. Flint, Richard Middleton of Berse, co. Denbigh, esq., Ellis Young of Bryniorcyn, co. Fflint, esq., and others of cos. Denbigh and Flint, charging them with illegally and riotously assembling at Wrexham, 24 May, 1676, and breaking into the house of Richard Lloyd, esq.
434 - Bond of obligation in £100 (13 March, 1677-8) by Sir Robert Williams to pay to Richard John Rowland of Llanllechid the sum of £40, with legal interest on the same, by 13 March, 1678-9.
435 - Marriage settlement of Sir Walter Yonge of Escott, co. Devon, and Gwen, one of the daughters of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, deceased (17 June, 1691).
436 - Chirograph of a final concord at the Great Sessions of co. Caern. [Conway, 7 Octr., 1715] by which Thomas Warburton and others levied a fine upon the moiety of the Penrhyn estate, with the usual three proclamations.
437 - "Indre [indenture] Declaring the Uses of three several ffines Levyed by Thos Warburton, Esq., Anne his wife [dr. of Sir Robert Williams], Sir Walter Young, Dame Gwen his wife [also daughter of Sir Robert Williams], &c. of Lands in Carnarvonshire and Denbishire"
438-439 - "Mortgage in fee by Mrs Kendrick, Mrs Warburton and Mr Bennett to Thomas Gisborne, esq., of the Mannor of Winnington, Winnington Hall, and two Third Parts of the Demesne Lands for the Security of £1,500, with interest at £5 per cent". (17 July, 1732).
440 - "A true perfect and particular inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattells, and Credits of Nathaniel Hodges, late of Eaton [Eton] in the County of Berks., Bachelor Deceased".
441-442 - Two copies of a lease for one year under the Statute of Uses (25 Febr., 1742-3) by Andrew kenrick of Chester and Anne Warburton the elder, widow, also of Chester, to Sir Robert Williams of Marl by Conway, and another, of all the moiety of the Penrhyn estate in the possession of the aforesaid Anne.
443-447 - Five documents relating to the marriage settlement of General Hugh Warburton and Susannah Williams, relict of Hugh Williams of Chester (6 & 7 May, 1743); provisions for maintenance, jointure, &c/; the several docts. between them give a very exact survey of the Penrhyn moiety that accrued to the General through his mother Anne [one of the daughters of Sir Robert Williams] and of the property of Mrs. Williams, both in her own right and by the will of the deceased Hugh Williams.
448-449 - Copy of the last will and testament of Hugh Williams, of Chester, first husband of Susanna, daughter of Sir Walter Yonge, and grand-daughter of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn [who held the moiety of the Penrhyn estate], who married Sir Hugh Warburton as second husband. H.W. was married before, the wife's name being Ursula; he directs his body to be buried near her grave at Aston in so.Warwick, "as near as possible".
450 - Duplicate of the last will and testament of Sir Samuel Pennant, once Lord Mayor of London, Alderman of the City, and uncle of Richard, Lord Penrhyn, (7 April, 1749); proved, 28 May, 1750: lands and tenements lately purchased at Flamstead and Redbourne, co.Herts., devised to his brothers John and Harry, the former described as "of Saville Row in the county of Middlesex", and the latter "of Lawrence St. Ayetts in the county of Hertford"; to hold the lands as tenants in common and not as joint tenants; £200 each to his three sisters, viz., Elizabeth Dawkins (wife of Henry Dawkins of Jamaica, and grandmother of G.H. Dawkins Pennant), Mary Mornant, and Sarah Roden; the residue of his estates, whether in Jamaica or Great Britain, to be divided between John and Harry, share and share alike.
451-452 - Lease of possession under the Statute of Uses (25 Jan., 1760) by which the representatives of the late Sir Thomas Aston of Aston sell and convey to Walter Thomas of Chester that Moiety of the Penrhyn estate once held by Lady Frances Russell [i.e., Frances Williams, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, who married as her second husband Lord Edward Russell, fourth son of William, Duke of Bedford]. It is not at present clear how the late Sir Thomas Aston came to have an interest in the moiety, but the presence of General Sir Hugh Warburton as one of the parties to this deed, he being nephew to Lady Frances and soon to become the father-in-law of Richard Pennant, goes far to show that this doct. is not a final conveyance, but an indeterminate transaction. Allied to this is a final concord between the same parties, at the Great Sessions of co.Caern, on 18 Aug., 1760, by which a fine was officially levied on the aforesaid moiety.
453 - Renewed comission granted to Lieut. General Hugh Warburton to be Chanellor and Chamberlain of the counties of Anglesey, Caernarvon and Merioneth in North Wales (3 Sept., 1761).
454 - Letter from Lord Montagu, one of the most eccentric and unbalanced members of that distinguished house.
455-456 - Two copies of the marriage article of Richard Pennant, son of John Pennant, parish of St.George, Hanover Square, and Ann Susanna, only child of General Hugh Warburton of Penrhyn ["penryhn"], 13 Novr., 1765.
Expand 2 - Llandegai, Llanllechid, Bangor2 - Llandegai, Llanllechid, Bangor
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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