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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Expand 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Collapse 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Collapse 1 - Family papers1 - Family papers
464 - "Copy of the Assignment of two Termns for Years in Lady [William] Yonge's Estate in the County of Devon, Dated July 11th 1767".
465-482 - Two copies of the release from William, Viscount Chetwynd, as son and heir of his late father (by the direction of Richard, Lord Penrhyn and others) to John Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, and his heirs, of the undivided moiety of the Penrhyn estate for securing £7,500 and interest; on payment thereof, the estate to be conveyed to Lord Penrhyn and his heirs.
483-506 - Negotiations (1808-1809) for the sale of the Winnington estate to Sir John Thomas Stanley, afterwards created Lord Stanley of Alderleys: projected public sale (28 June, 1808); proposals of Sir J.T. Stanley, followed by valuations of produce, timber, &c.; clearing up of difficulties over the lease granted to the Rev. Joah Furey on 1 June, 1808, over Holland's tenement (lease granted on 17 Octr., 1775 and regarding the agreement proposed by the late Lord Penrhyn to exchange land at Barnton Moor with the Canal Company.
507 - "An Act [printed] for vesting the legal Fee of certain Estates devised by the Will of the Right Honourable Richard, late Lord Penrhyn ..... upon the Trusts subsisting or capable of taking Effect in the said Estates".
508-574 - Sixty-seven papers relating to property at Warehorne in Kent ranging in date from 17 Decr., 1707, to Michaelmas Term, 1813: mortgages, assignments, several wills, codicils, and probate of wills, bonds of obligation, abstracts of title, &c.
575-582 - Bills of costs and charges presented to Anne Susannah, Lady Penrhyn, and G.H. Dawkins Pennant, residuary legatee of the estate, for various legal work arising out of the death of Richard, Lord Penrhyn, such as negotiations for the purchase of Tanymarian from the Earl of Uxbridge, procedure over the sale of the Winnington estate, correspondence with the Bishop of Bangor, &c.
583-592 - Cases of difficulty arising after the death of Richard, Lord Penrhyn (January, 1808)and submitted to Serkeant (sic) Williams and R. Richards [of Caerynwch, near Dolgelley], afterwards Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; some submitted to the second opinion of R.R. in cases wherein he somewhat differed in judgement from Williams (the second opinions were signed at Lincoln's Inn, 17 January, 1811). The questions concerned second mourning for servants, the allocation of money received for slates ordered before hHis Lordship's death and paid for afterwards (whether payable to Lady Penrhyn or to G.H.D.P.), who was to stand the loss of a bill drawn by the Caernarvon Bank which went into the hands of an insolvent debtor, the exact interpretation of certain leases granted in the lifetime of the late Lord Penrhyn (counsel consulted on this point, John Leach).
593-607 - Fifteen papers relating to the marriage (May, 1814) of G.H. Dawkins Pennant with Miss Elizabeth Bouverie, daughter of The Honourable William Henry Bouverie, deceased, brother of Jacob, Earl of Radnor.
608 - Somewhat late echo of the Yonge moiety of the Penrhyn estate: covenant by G.H.D. Pennant (5 July, 1816) to produce deeds, more especially Yonge indentures of 2 and 3 April, 1750, and 24 June, 1756, to a certain Charles John Ann Hereford [anomalous juxtaposition of names!] of Clifton Down, co. Gloucester; the latter was concerned about his title to certain property in co. Devon called Priorton Farm.
609 - Particulars [printed] of valuable ground rents .... issuing out of eight houses in Portland Place and nine in Harley Street, Cavendish Square [London] .... to be sold by auction on 24 April, 1818. Lot III, 56, Portland Place, then in the occupation of the Earl of Mansfield, was bought by G.H. Dawkins Pennant, for £1,210 [marginal note].
610-611 - G.H. Dawkins Pennant as High Sheriff for co. Caernarvon (1819-1820): two bills of costs presented by the Under-Sheriff (Henry Rumsey Williams of Penrhos by Caernarvon), one for £77.16.10., the other for £29.10.3. The £77.16.10. included £32.2.0. (bill of a Hugh Roberts for making liveries for the javelin men), £2.2.0. paid to a hairdresser for shaving the aforesaid javelin men, £10.10.0. to trumpeters for their services at two Assizes, &c.
612 - Bill of costs and charges to G.H. Dawkins Pennant from james H. Markland, his London solicitor, running well over £100, for work done regarding the purchase of part of the Coytmore estate (1822).
613 - Re-assignment (28 Febr., 1825) by William Ralph Cartwright and James Dawkins to G.H. Dawkins Pennant of a policy of insurance for securing £2,500 and interest.
614 - Commission (30 Aug., 1852) by the Lord Lieutenant of Caernarvonshire (Sir R.B. Williams Bulkeley of Baron Hill) to The Honble. E.G.D. Pennant as Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Caernarvonshire Militis.
Expand 2 - Legal matters, counsels, opinions etc.2 - Legal matters, counsels, opinions etc.
Expand 3 - Llandegai : leases and deeds of exchange3 - Llandegai : leases and deeds of exchange
Expand 4 - Llanllechid : leases4 - Llanllechid : leases
Expand 5 - Bangor : leases5 - Bangor : leases
Expand 6 - Various : Aber, Eifionydd, Penmachno6 - Various : Aber, Eifionydd, Penmachno
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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