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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Expand 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Collapse 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Collapse 1 - The early Pennants1 - The early Pennants
1182 - Copy of a bond of obligation (7 May, 1709) in £10,000 by Barnard ["Barnart"] Andriesse of the parish of St. Elizabeth in Jamaica to Joseph Hodges of the same parish, to observe faithfully the terms of a marriage settlement between Joseph Hodges and Magdalen, daughter of B. Andriesse. The latter stood seized of 2,000 acres of land "whereon and on part whereof is at present Erected a Sugar-work"; 210 negro slaves.
1183 - "An inventory of the Estate of Joesph Hodges, Esq., deceased". Appraised and returned, 1 Octr., 1719, and solemnly entered on the appropriate Jamaica records, 25 January, 1719- [-1720].
1184-1188 - Five papers of 1732 relating to the conveyance by Joseph Andreise Hodges, son of Joseph and Magdalen Hodges (born Andreise of Andreisse), of the moiety of the Barnard Andreisse estate in Jamaica ["Lecovia"] to one Albert Delaude of Gray's Inn.
1189 - Articles of agreement preliminary to the marriage of John Pennant and Bonella Hodges (21 Octr., 1734).
1190 - Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels of the Hon. Edward Pennant of the parish of Clarendon in Jamaica (12 Novr., 1736) and also of his property in the parish of St. Katharine's in Spanish Town.
1191 - Deed of mortgage (19 May, 1739) by the Hon. John Campbell and Elizabeth his wife, of the parish of St. Elizabeth in Jamaica, to John Pennant, "now residing in London", upon the Luana Plantation in that parish; consideration, £6,500 Jamaica money; list of negroes.
1192 - The early Pennants
1192-1193 - Various expenses incurred by the estate of John Pennant in Jamaica from 25 January, 1739 [-1740] to 31 Decr., 1740, and examined by Alex: Mc Farlane. With this is another schedule bringing the date up to Dec. 30, 1741 [not Dec.31].
1194 - John Pennant.Esqr., in account with Watson, Grant, and Fearon (31 Decr., 1743), who seem to have been rum-exporters at Kingston in Jamaica.
1195-1197 - Allotment of debts, marked in three classes as A, B, C, due respectively to Messrs. Drake, Pennant, and Long, on determination of partnership (22 Decr., 1739).
1198 - Case for counsel's opinion regarding the marriage settlement of a Mr. Williams and a Miss Knight [of Jamaica], and to which Alderman Pennant [i.e., Samuel, brother of John Pennant] was a party - it turned on the point how far a trustee who never executed the trust was co-responsible with other trustees named in the same indenture.
1199 - "The King's Valley ["Vally"] Estate in Account with James Dunn" (May 15, 1753, to Aug. 28, 1754).
1200 - Letter to John Pennant from his agent in Jamaica, John Shickle (April 28, 1759).
1201 - Acquittance by Rose Fuller (31 May, 1760); has received £100 from John Pennant "being for his brother Henry's subscription to ye charges of maintaining the rights of St. Iagp de la Vega in the Island of Jamaica against the town of Kingston in the said Island".
1202 - "King's Valley Estate in account with William Lewis". Aug.15, 1759 - Aug.15,1760.
1203-1204 - Two papers (1766) relating to the transaction by which John Pennant bought up a plantation in Jamaica formerly granted to a Thomas Cammack in 1669.
1205 - Accounts of John Pennant and his two brothers (Henry and Sir Samuel) with mrs. Prudence Moore (1737-1767). mainly concerned with the payment of an annuity to her.
1206 - Lease (11 May, 1767) for one year, under the Statute of Uses, by John Pennant of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, to Henry Pennant of Grantham in Lincs. and Henry Dawkins, of STandlinch in Wiltshire upon all his plantations in the parish of Clarendon in the island of Jamaica.
1207-1226 - Letters to John Pennant from his agent in Jamaica, John Shickle (1772-1776).
1227-1230 - Four papers relating to the aquisition of property at Udoll, co. Cromarty in Scotland, by Alexander Anderson, a plantyer of the parish of Hanover in Jamaica, and in which a bon by John Pennant played an important part (1774-1778).
1231 - Ammount of produce from the Pennant estates in Jamaica, 1771-1779
1232 - "Merchandise recieved per the Dorothy .....from Jamaica ....40 hogsheads of sugar".
Expand 2 - Richard, Lord Penrhyn2 - Richard, Lord Penrhyn
Expand 3 - G.H. Dawkins Pennant3 - G.H. Dawkins Pennant
4 - G.S.G. Douglas-Pennant, [second] Lord Penrhyn
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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