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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Expand 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Collapse 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Collapse 1 - Rentals, surveys, valuatons1 - Rentals, surveys, valuatons
1599 - Rental of the lands of William ap Gruffith of Penrhyn in the townships of Penwynllys, Cremlyn, Pethkyr, Porthaethwy, Trevor, Pentraeth, Landdyfnan, Mathafarn Wion, Castellbwlchgwyn, Mathafarn Eitha, Penmynydd and Dinsylwy in the county of Anglesey, and in Crewerion, Bodfaio, Bangor, Iagwyrfai and Nant Conwy in the county of Caernarvon (Nov.1,1412-Nov.1, 1413).
1600-1601 - John Stanley's roll of accounts at the Feast of All Saints, 29 Henry VI (i.e., 1450), original and copy.
1602 - Rental and disbursements of Sir William Griffith [third] for the year ending at the Feast of All Saints, 4 Henry VII [1488]; collector , Hoell ap Matto Gethin.
1603-1604 - Original and copy of the rental of Sir William Griffith [third] from the Feast of All Saints, 1499, to the same Feast in 1500.
1605 - Rental of Cororion ["Crewirion"] lands. Feast of All Saints, Anne H[enry] xvi [year]".
1606-1607 - Old rent-roll displaying the Penrhyn lands at their most extensive development in the days of the third Sir William Griffith.
1608 - "The Maner of the Penrhyn Rentall of [Sir] William Griffith Marchog.
1609 - Portion of the rental of Sir William Griffith [third], year ending at the Feast of All Saints, 19 Henry VIII [1527], accounted for by John ap Meredith ap Hoell, collector.
1610-1611 - "The Rentall of Res Gruffydd Knyght at allhalootyde In the thyrde yere of .... Edwards the Syxte .... in yearthe [on earth] of the Supreme heade" [i.e., on Nov. 1, 1549].
1612 - "The Rentall of Sr Res Gruff. Knight made in Anno VI Edward vi [i.e., 1552]"
1613 - "The demeanes of Cowyllyan's [Cochwillan] lands .... the neames of the tenants ech pertened [appertained] to the demeanes set yerely and to whom the[y] are set".
1614-1615 - "The Rentall Sr Rice Gruffith Knight ... in July, 1565".
1616-1617 - "Original, with copy, of "A note of all the yerely rent og Sr Rice Gruff. knight made the vith day of May in the XVth yere of queene Elizabeth [1573]".
1618-1619 - Rentals, surveys, valuatons
1620 - "The halfe yeares rent at Michaelmas and at the feast of all Saints Anno Elyz. xxiiii [1582]".
1621 - "The halfe yeares rent of llandegai to be gathered at May .....1588".
1622 - "The half yeares rent of llandegaye to be gathered at the feast of all saints next An. Domino 1588".
1623 - "The halfe yeares rent of llandegai to be gathered at Maye ...1589".
1624 - "The halfe yeares rent of Bangor and Maenol Bangor to be gather'd at May Anno 1589".
1625 - Valor and extent of the Penrhyn lands made after the death of Sir Rees Griffith and upon the accession to the estate of his son Piers; death of Sir Rees Griffith and upon the accession to the estate of his son Piers; death of Sir Rees, 30 July, 1580, Piers being then under age. He became of full age 25 Sept., 1589; inquisition into lands held at Conway on 7 October.
1626 - Paper document
1627-1628 - Half year's rental of the township of Cororion; also for Bodvayo, Bangor, and Maenol Bangor All Saints, 1593.
1629 - Rental for Llandegai parish ["Tegai"].
1630 - References to certain rents and profits of Penrhyn lands due to Piers Gruffith and for the four years ending at All Hallows, 1595, from Gored Ucha, Gored Wleb, Gored cegin.
1631 - Account of rents and profits due to Piers Griffith of Penrhyn for messuages and lands in Maenol Bangor, Cororion and Llanllechid,
1632 - Copy of the original "rent-roll of all Cochwillan lands as nowe it is set the 23 of September, 1622".
1633 - Account of arrears of rent for 1670 - Llandegai, Llanllechid, Bangor, commote Isaf, and Eglwysbach, co. Denbigh.
1634 - "1 May, 1674, Owen Parry his Accompt of ye Charge left with him upon each of Sr Robert Williams his tenants in ye Countyes of Carnarvon and Denbigh on ye 13th of May, 1671. Of what he recd from yt tyme to ye first of May, 1674, And of what remayned then Due from each of them".
1635 - Rental of the Penrhyn estate for 1677 with arrears [rears] for 1676 and 1675.
1636 - Acquittance (20 Sept., 1681) by Richard ap William David [who can only make a mark for a signature] - has received £7.2.4. as Crown rents for Penrhyn lands in Llandegai and Bodvaio, for Cochwillan lands in Bodvaio, &c.
1637 - Composite account book, full of interesting matter for the economic historian, but poorly preserved.
1638 - "A Summary of John Doulben's Accompt Stated .... 23rd day of January, 1719[-20]".
1639 - "A Rentroll for One Year Comencing att Allsts 1720 and ending at Allsts 1721 of such Rents of Penrhyn Estate as were payable at Allsts yearly".
1640 - Do. Account made up to 29 July, 1721.
1641 - Summary only [not a full rental] by John Doulben (7 April, 1731) of the Penrhyn estate accounts, giving a balance of £375.9.71/4 to be divided between Sir Walter Yonge, who held the one moiety [husband of Gwen, daughter of Sir Robert Williams, she being now deceased] and Anne Warburton [sister of Gwen, and widow of Thomas Warburton, deceased].
1642 - Account book in John Doulben's hand, tabulating arrears as far back as 1731, and indicating some payments so far forward as Midsummer, 1736.
1643-1655 - Account books of agent John Paynter, extending from 1736 to 1744, thirteen in number - general accounts (with disbursements), some in duplicate (one for Sir William Yonge, one for General Warvurton), rentals (with particulars of arrears), all very neatly, clearly, and correctly done, to all appearences. It is to be noted that in the rental for 1739-1740 (doct.1646) Sir William Yonge has noted discrepancies, and has noted them down in his own hand. There is also a long entry on one of the 1742 accounts which refers to errors of accountancy, but this has been later crossed out.
1656 - John Paynter the agent to "Mrs Warburton in Chester" (Oct.12,1742), who is more likely to be the widow of Thomas Warburton [that is, Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Williams] than the wife of General Hugh Warburton, her son.
1657 - Letter from the new agent, Robert Bridge, to Mrs [Anne] Warburton at Chester, 7 Novr., 1745.
1658-1662 - Five account books of Robert Bridge, 1744-1747, that for 1746 being in duplicate.
1663-1669 - Seven account books in the hand of Richard Hughes stating particulars "between the Honble. Colonel Warburton & his Agent Richd Hughes touching the sd Hughes's Receipt of the Rents of his Lady's Jointure in Anglesey" extending from arrears in 1746 to the accounts passed on 29 June, 1764.
1670-1703 - Account Books - balance-sheets, rentals, disbursements - of agent Richard Hughes, 1749-1771, thirty-four in number (several duplicates).
1704 - Answers to questions given to Richard Hughes the agent about 1758 - regarding total rent-roll, annual out-goings such as agency salary and [reaching at Llandegai, value of estate in the parish of Bangor, "about Conway", &c.
1705 - Letter from George leigh, who was at work surveying the Penrhyn lands, to "Richard Pennant, Esqr., M.P., at Winnington near Northwich" (23 Nov., 1767).
1706-1708 - Three letters from Richard Hughes, the Penrhyn agent, to John Pennant, esq. [father of Richard, Lord Penrhyn] regarding the progress of the new survey [by Mr.George Leigh of Northwich] and the new valuation [by Mr.Samuel Wright of Knutsford], date Aug.24, 1767; Nov.19, 1767; and May 5, 1768.
1709-1712 - Four letters, ranging in date from 3 May to 10 Dec., 1768, to Richard Pennant, esq. [later Richard, Lord Penrhyn] from Samuel Wright [later chief agent of the Penrhyn estate]. Refer in the main to his new valuation of the estate, to interviews and correspondence with mr.Richard Hughes, the then agent.
1713-1715 - Three copies of the survey and valuation of the Warburton moiety of the Penrhyn estate made by Geo. Leigh and Samuel Wright in 1767-1768.
1716-1737 - Account Books of agent Samuel Wright of Knutsford, the gentleman responsible for the valuation of 1767-1768.
1738 - "A Rentall of his Majesty's Rents [i.e., Chief rents] Issuing out of Lands of the Freeholders in the Hundred of Uchaph in the year of our Lord 1789".
1739 - "A Rental of the Tithes of Llandegai for one year ending 24 June, 1794".
1740 - "Particular and Valuation of the Mountain Farm of Tal-y-braich, 1805".
1741 - "A Particular and Valuation of Glan-y-mor, Aber Ogwen, and Cefn Faes farms in the parish of Llanllechid .... 1847".
1742-1791 - Rentals, 1853-1900, two copies for 1896, 50 altogether.
1792 - "A Rental of Her Majesties Chief rents issuing out of the Hundred of Uchaf".
1793 - Abstract of receipts and payments in 1860.
Expand 2 - Maps and plans2 - Maps and plans
Expand 3 - Letter books3 - Letter books
Expand 4 - General Matters4 - General Matters
Expand 5 - Particular accounts5 - Particular accounts
Expand 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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