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Collapse PENRH - Penrhyn Castle PapersPENRH - Penrhyn Castle Papers
Expand 1 - The Griffith Documents 1 - The Griffith Documents
Expand 2 - The Williams Family 2 - The Williams Family
Expand 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants 3 - Pennants and Douglas-Pennants
Expand 4 - The Jamaica Estates 4 - The Jamaica Estates
Expand 5 - Estate Administration 5 - Estate Administration
Collapse 6 - Quay and quarries 6 - Quay and quarries
Expand 1 - General1 - General
Collapse 2 - Agreements and leases2 - Agreements and leases
1978-2031 - Leases, 54 in number (48 in the parish of Llandegai. 6 in the parish of Llanllechid).
2032 - Indenture of lease by Richard, Lord Penrhyn, to four merchants of Liverpool (Michael Humble, Samuel Holland, Nicholas Hurry, and Samuel Worthington), upon the mill for grinding flint lately erected at Nant Gwreddiog, upon the water grist mills of Melin Isa, Melin Hen, Melin Ucha, upon all the good-will of the said mills, "as well customary and conventionary ...of all the tenants of the Maor of Penrhyn to grind there all the corn and grain of the said tenants", upon the ochre works at Coed y Parc, and upon the new made wharf or quay situated at Penrhyn Arms [lately called Pen y Bryn], parishes of Llandegai, Llanllechid and Bangor.
2033 - Counterpart lease by Richard, Lord Penrhyn, to Michael Humble, Samuel Holland, and Samuel Worthington, three Liverpool merchants, upon "all and every the delfs, quarries, veins, grooves, rakes, ribs, and beds of hone, stone" already discovered or to be discovered in, upon, or under, the farm of Blaen y Nant in the parish of Llandegai.
2034 - Articles of agreement between Richard, Lord Penrhyn, on the one side, and Samuel Worthinton, Michael Humble, and Samuel Holland, all of Liverpool, merchants; the latter to be supplied with all the slates made and manufactured at the quarries of Cae Braich y Cafn [with certain clearly-specified exceptions] at rates particularly laid down with provision of an office at the quay and special accommodation for loading.
2035 - Deed of lease by Richard, Lord Penrhy, to Michael Humble, Samuel Holland, and Samuel Wirthington, here described as "earthenware manufacturers and co-partners" in Liverpool, upon the messuage of Ty Newydd, parish of Llandegai.
2036 - Draft of a lease by Lady Penrhyn and G.H.D. Pennant to John Roberts of Bangor, gentleman, to search for "lead ore, copper ore, or other mineral fossils or useful earths" on the wastes or commons of Llanllechid for three years; in case of overplus, royalty of one-eigth full part of the ore when made marketable of merchantable; power to snk its, make adits, &c., and liberty to make use of streams of water on the waste or common.
2037 - Indenture between G.H. Dawkins Pennant (on the one side) and Evan Griffith of Foel Fawr in Llanfechell, farmer; Robert Griffith of Cemmaes in Llanbadrig, publican; and Thomas Meyrick of Cefn Coch in Llanfechell, farmer (on the other).
Expand 3 - Quarry books, slatermakers' accounts 3 - Quarry books, slatermakers' accounts
Expand 4 - Statements and vouchers4 - Statements and vouchers
Expand 7 - Addenda  7 - Addenda
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