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Collapse PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional  PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional
Expand 1 - Early deeds1 - Early deeds
Expand 2 - Deeds post 18002 - Deeds post 1800
Expand 3 - Bundles of deeds3 - Bundles of deeds
Expand 4 - Rentals 4 - Rentals
Expand 5 - Jamaica5 - Jamaica
Expand 6 - Maps and plans6 - Maps and plans
Expand 7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories
Expand 8 - Post 1800 Correspondence8 - Post 1800 Correspondence
Expand 9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)
Expand 10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.
Expand 11 - Post 1800 Legal documents11 - Post 1800 Legal documents
Expand 12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles
Expand 13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous
Collapse 14 - Estate Administration 14 - Estate Administration
Expand 1 - Deeds and documents1 - Deeds and documents
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Collapse 3 - Accounts and Finance3 - Accounts and Finance
Collapse 1 - General Estate1 - General Estate
1 - ‘A Particular of the Estate of the Duke of Portland in the County of Chester’
2 - Accounts relating to various expenditures
3 - Dead number
4 - Annual outgoings of the Penrhyn Estate
5 - Account (of a builder or carpenter?) for slates, nails etc
6 - ‘An account of what I Layd out for other thenghs’
7 - Account of disbursements made by William Prichard at Penbol, co. Anglesey.
8 - Documents relating to the Estate of William Griffith Esq., Son of Sir William Griffith Knight.
9 - Miscellaneous account entries
10 - Account of pikes, staves and pykall staves made.
11 - Bundle of documents acquitting George Warburton of Arley, co. Chester for non-payment of £80 to Dame Eleanor Byron of Dutton, co. Chester
12 - Account of sums of money paid to Mr. Smith, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Foster.
13 - Account of ‘a bill for the payment of £56 13s 6d. in May 1675
14 - An account of a sum of £56 13s 6d. due ‘by bill’ in May 1675 of interest received upon that sum and rent paid out of it until November 1, 1680.
15 - Account of presants from tenants
16 - Account of Robert Denteth for ‘freight’ of sacks of corn, barrels of herrings etc. from Bangor to Chester, 1678-80, for Sir Robert Williams. Endorsed: Receipt (dated March 6, 1680/1) of Robert Denteth to Thomas Williams for 18s.
17 - Account of Gruffyth Trygarn for saddlery etc.
18 - Account of disbursements made by Alexander Towers on behalf of Sir Robert Williams, Bart., [deceased].
19 - Account of the expenses of John Hughes ‘coming home from Chester’ with William Jones.
20 - Account of A. Burons for oats etc.
21 - Account with amount of Mills Built in Llandegai in 1715 and what was laid Out by Mr. Richard Williams, deceased when building the mills
22 - Statement (signed) made by Sarah Brandet / Brundrett acknowledging receipt of £20 and interest, a mortgage indenture, an allowance of £10 in part of the said principal debt and all the money due for milk and other things from Madam Warburton
23 - Timber Account of the Penrhyn Estate Due to Mr Paynters
24 - Account of William Pritchard, gent, Treasurer of the county of Caernarvon at the General Quarter Sessions of King George II
25 - Summary of the accounts of the Penrhyn Estate
26 - ‘Disbursements on Account of Penrhyn Estate in the Year 1743 by John Paynter’
27 - Receipts of amounts received by R. Pennant Esq. for legacies left him by General Warburton.
28 - Receipts and payments made at Penrhyn on account of the Right Hon. Lord Penrhyn by William Williams
29 - Cash Book and rental relating to Benjamin Wyatt and the Coytmore Estate
30 - Document entitled, ‘Calculation of what the Saw-Mill will produce from experiment made on 23rd of October 1801’
31 - Cash Book with payments on account
32 - Cash Book containing the account of Lord Penrhyn with James Wyatt
33 - Small accounts book
34 - Account Book
35 - Account Book
36 - Notebook containing notes of accounts
37 - Tithes Book
38 - Notes in the hand of Lord Penrhyn Relating to Payments to Messrs. Bouverie & Co.
39 - Accounts and receipts of Lord Penrhyn
40 - Day Book of the Penrhyn Estate
41 - Account of The Hon. Col Douglas Pennant, M.P., with S Fallowdown
42 - Account Book of Penrhyn Castle and stables
43 - General account and statement of the income and expenditure of the Carnarvonshire Old Turnpike Trust for the year ending 31 December 1843
44 - Bundle of accounts relating to the trustees of the will of the late George Hay Dawkins Pennant Esq.
45 - Envelope addressed to Lord Penrhyn from Farrer & Co.
46 - Account Book of the Penrhyn Estate
47 - Account Book of the Penrhyn Estate
48 - Abstract account for each district and County of the Caernarvonshire Old Turnpike Trust for the year ending December 1852
49 - Abstract account for each District, &c., of the Caernarvonshire Old Turnpike Trust for the year ending 31 December, 1854
50 - Account of manganese raised on Gallt Ysgair Llanfaelrhys, the Property of Col. Douglas Pennant, M.P.
51 - Cash Book
52 - Account Book of the Penrhyn Castle Kitchen and Still Room
53 - Account of the expenses incurred on Her Majesty’s Visit to Penrhyn Castle October 1859
54 - The Penrhyn Land Agency in acct with the Honble E. G. Douglas Pennant
55 - Ledger containing the accounts of Penrhyn Castle
56 - The Penrhyn Land Agency in Account with the Honble E. G. D. Pennant 1864-1867
57 - Cash Book of Penrhyn Castle
58 - The Penrhyn Land Agency in account with the Honble E. G. D. Pennant
59 - Cash Book of the Penrhyn Estate
60 - Copy of Ashford Game Account
61 - Page containing the estimates by Mr Bist in June 1875
62 - The Penrhyn Land Agency in account with The Right Honorable Lord Penrhyn 1876-1879
63 - Stable Accounts
64 - Kitchen weekly bills
65 - Kitchen and Still Room Account Book of Penrhyn Castle
66 - Account of Wicken Park Stable
67 - Stable Accounts
68 - Receipt of Mr. Griffith Evans, Tynycoed
69 - Envelope endorsed, ‘Marriage Settlement 1875’
70 - The Penrhyn Land Agency in account with the Right Honourable Lord Penrhyn
71 - Receipts of dividend warrants of the stock of Lord Penrhyn from various companies
72 - Account of the receipts and payments of the Trustees of Penrhyn Settled Estates
73 - Account of receipts and expenditure of the Penrhyn estate
Expand 74 - The Ogwen Tile Works 74 - The Ogwen Tile Works
75 - Abstract account of expenditure
76 - Account of Lady Penrhyn with J.J. Kibbetts, Builder & Contractor, Buckingham
77 - Receipts of Lord Penrhyn Relating to the parish of Warehorne
78 - Ledger of the Penrhyn estate
79 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
80 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
81 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
82 - Post Office telephone bill of Lord Penrhyn
83 - Invoices for accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
84 - Cash Book of the Penrhyn Estate
85 - Ledger of the Penrhyn estate
86 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1921 and 1922.
87 - Account book entitled 'Wilderwick 1925'
88 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
89 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn
90 - Register of mortgages
91 - Reports on the Accounts of The Anglesey Shipping Company 1937-1951
92 - Document Containing Details of Farm Building Repairs
93 - Estate Account Book
94 - Index of Estate Accounts
95 - ‘A Register of Accident Policies effected with the Alliance Assurance Company Ltd. through the agency of R.J.Wordsworth of Bangor’.
96 - Accounts 1929- 1955
97 - Penrhyn Estate Cash Book 1929-1935
98 - Penrhyn Estate and Private Accounts 1929-1949
99 - Private Account Ledger
100 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1931-1932
101 - Accounts Relating to the Executorship of The Rt Hon. Edward Sholto Baron Penrhyn, deceased and the Wicken Estate
102 - Private Cash Book 1932-1940
103 - Day Book 1932- 1934
104 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn in 1933
105 - A Bundle of Balance Sheet Accounts Schedules and Relative Report for the Wicken Estate 1933-1945
106 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1934 and 1935
107 - Penrhyn Estate Account Book 1934-1938
108 - A Bundle of Accounts relating to Leaseholds
109 - Estate Cash Book 1935-1940
110 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1936-1939
111 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1936 and 1939
112 - Penrhyn Estate Day Book 1936-1941
113 - Mortgage Interest Cash Book 1936-1942
114 - Invoices for Accounts owed by Lord and Lady Penrhyn between 1938 and 1939
115 - Penrhyn Estate General and Water Rates
116 - Farm Repair Ledger
117 - Estate Repairs Ledger
118 - Penrhyn Castle Ledger
119 - Cottage Repairs Ledger
120 - Penrhyn Estate Account Book 1939-1947
121 - Penrhyn Estate Receipt Book
122 - Private Cash Book 10 July 1940- 01 November 1949
123 - Penrhyn Settled Estates Balance Sheet Accounts and Relative Reports 1941-1946
124 - Estate Cash Book 1941-1945
125 - Penrhyn Estate Day Book 1941-1946
126 - Estate Cash Book
127 - Day Book
128 - Cash Book 1947
129 - Estate Accounts
130 - Summaries of Various Expenditures
131 - Penrhyn Estate Cash Book
132 - The Rt. Hon Lord Penrhyn Deceased Free and Settled Accounts 27th June 1949 to 31st March 1957
133 - Penrhyn Estate Schedule of Cottages, Land for Proposed Sale
134 - Penrhyn Estate Accounts and Reports
135 - Penrhyn Estate Private Accounts
Expand 136 - Market Garden136 - Market Garden
137 - Death Duties Finance I 25 June 1951 -07 May 1956
138 - Private Cash Book 01 February 1951- 28 March 1969
139 - Estate Cash Book
140 - Estate Accounts
141 - Penrhyn Estate Finance and Administration 1952 to 31 March 1985
142 - Penrhyn Estate Cash Book
143 - Penrhyn Estate Ledger
144 - Hirael and Llandegai [Llandygái] Cash Book
145 - Death Duties: Valuation and Finance 19 August 1953 to 12 October 1959
146 - Day Book
147 - Cash Book
148 - Water Rate Book
149 - Penrhyn Expenses Book by Mrs G.M.Bale 04 October 1954
150 - Mortgage Payments 01 November 1955- 03 January 1958
151 - Mortgage Payments 02 January 1958- 27 June 1961
152 - The Rt. Hon. Lord Penrhyn Deceased Free and Settled Estates Balance Sheet and Accounts 31 March 1958 and 31 March 1959
153 - Gorddinog Estate Accounts and No.3 Account Vouchers for The Lady Janet Douglas Pennant and Mr. J.C. Douglas Pennant
154 - Death Duties: Valuation and Finance October 1959 to November 1966
155 - Papers on Improvement Grants etc 1952 to 1972.
156 - Account Book for Various Payments 1962-1963
157 - The Penrhyn Settled Estate Accounts 31 March 1963- 31 March 1970
158 - Penrhyn Estate Schedules and correspondence relating to claims of repairs and alterations in accordance to the Settled Land Act 1925 and the Agricultural Holdings Act of 1948 between 31 March 1964 and 31 March 1970
159 - Penrhyn Estate Reports and Accounts
160 - Penrhyn Estate Schedules and correspondence relating to claims of repairs and alterations in accordance with the Settled Land Act 1925 and the Agricultural Holdings Act of 1948 between 31 March 1971 and 31 March 1980
161 - The Penrhyn Settled Estate Accounts 31 March 1971- 31 March 1973
162 - The Penrhyn Settled Estate Accounts 31 March 1974- 31 March 1977
163 - The Penrhyn Settled Estate Accounts 31 March 1978- 31 March 1980
164 - Penrhyn Estate Weekly Bills Book
165 - Schedules and correspondence relating to claims of repairs and alterations in accordance with the Settled Land Act 1925 and the Agricultural Holdings Act of 1948 between 31 March 1981 and 31 March 1983
Expand 2 - Forestry Department2 - Forestry Department
Expand 3 - Building Department3 - Building Department
Expand 4 - Home Farm / Agricultural4 - Home Farm / Agricultural
Expand 5 - Personal5 - Personal
Expand 6 - Bills, Shares and Receipts6 - Bills, Shares and Receipts
Expand 7 - Wages and Pensions7 - Wages and Pensions
Expand 8 - Sundries8 - Sundries
Expand 4 - Miscellaneous4 - Miscellaneous
Expand 15 - Penrhyn Quarry15 - Penrhyn Quarry
Expand 16 - Politics and electioneering16 - Politics and electioneering
Expand 17 - Personal17 - Personal
Expand 18 - Patronage 18 - Patronage
Expand 19 - Events19 - Events
Expand 20 - Printed material20 - Printed material
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