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Expand 10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.
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Expand 12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles
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Collapse 14 - Estate Administration 14 - Estate Administration
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Collapse 3 - Accounts and Finance3 - Accounts and Finance
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Expand 4 - Home Farm / Agricultural4 - Home Farm / Agricultural
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Collapse 6 - Bills, Shares and Receipts6 - Bills, Shares and Receipts
1 - Bundle of Income Tax Receipts
2 - Receipt of Hughe Brunderett for 1s. 8d. for oil and lampblack
3 - Receipt of Thomas Parry to William Prichard for £5 (paid by direction of Robert Williams Esq.)
4 - Receipt of Grace Owen to Robert Williams, Esq. for £5 10s, being the rent for one year of no. 1’s land in Gweredros in no. 2’s tenure
5 - Receipt of Thomas Saris the elder haberdasher to Sir Rysse Greffyth, knight
6 - Receipt of Edmund Merrick, Archdeacon of Bangor and proprietary of Llan Tegay [Llandegai] to Sir Res Gruffith, knight
7 - Receipt of James S[u]merer to Ryce Griffyth for the sum of £21 8s
8 - List of sums of money to be paid by specified persons
9 - List of sums of money [or rent?] paid or payable by specified persons.
10 - Bundle of receipts
11 - Bundle of receipts
12 - Bundle of receipts mostly for various goods and services received by George Warburton and Lady Warburton
13 - Bill for £24 7s 9d. for cloth bought by Mr Robert Williams
14 - Receipt of Robert Davis; Chris Dowd to Robert Williams of Penrhyn for £3 10s.
15 - A noat [sic.] of directions for William Morris concerning his buisnesse [sic.]in London being a list of bills and sums of interest to be paid
16 - Bill of Will Foster for £1 9s 4d for making a coat for Robert Williams Esq.
17 - Receipt of Edward Thorne to Mr Robert Williams for £20 for the use of Mr. Sergt. Glynne
18 - Receipt of Robert Williams to John Jones for £5, being part payment of rent due to him from his father Griffith Williams of Penrhyn
19 - Receipt of Arthur Ruddles to Robert Williams for £3 being one years’ interest on a sum of £50
20 - Receipt of N. Lucas to Mr. John Jones for £1 10s, paid by appointment of Robert Williams
21 - Receipt of John Beale to Robert Williams of Penrhyn for £9, being interest upon a sum of £100
22 - Receipt of Humphrey Jones to Robert Williams Esq. for £10, being interest money due upon a bond payable 24 December 1652
23 - Receipt of Ch. Fisher for £1 12s for buttons
24 - Bill of Robert Spring for 14s. 8d for 4 yards of bunboseene (bombasine)
25 - Bill of Humfrey Jones and John Owen for £4 14s 8d for gold and silver plated[articles?]
26 - Bill for £1 8s. 5d, being legal charges (dated November 27, 1655)
27 - Receipt (not signed) of [Robert Williams] to his father Griffith Williams of Penrhyn, Esq. for a bond in £500 for the payment of £285 7s 4d to his brother Hugh Williames of Lincolnes Inne, co. Middlesex.
28 - Receipt of Nicholas Humffreys of Conwey, co. Caernarvon, gent. to Robert Williams of Penrhyn in the same county, Esq. for £19 10s., being the purchase money of a tenement called Stonie Garden lying in the street leading to the higher gate of the town of Conwey.
29 - Document entitled, ‘A note of my disbursements in London for Mr. Robert Williams’
30 - Receipt of Arthur Ruddles to Robert Williams Esq. for £3 being the interest due on a sum of £50
31 - Receipt of Will’ Foster to Mr. Will’ Morris for £15 paid at the direction of Robarte Williams Esq.
32 - Receipt of John Beale to Robert Williams of Penrhyn for £6 being interest on a sum of £100
33 - Receipt of Humffrey Jones to Mr William Morris for £4 19s. 3d. for the use of Robert Williams Esq
34 - Note of money paid to Mr Roberts entitled : ‘A note of such moneys as I have paied Mr Robert Williams since the 7th of May 1656 in parte of my rent for the said year 1656’.
35 - Receipt of Ben Lister to Robert Williams Esq. for £11 to the use of his brother Walt Lister
36 - Bill for £2 6s 1d for saddlery supplied to Mr Robert Williams since September 17, 1654
37 - Receipt of Arthur Spunerell(?) to Robert Williams of Penrhun, co Caernarvon, Esq. for £10 being the payment for the tithes and profits of the vicarage of Caerhun for the year 1654.
38 - Receipt of Killmyn Gylyne to Owen ap Richard for £1 13s. being his half year’s rent due on November 1, 1657
39 - Bill of Robert Harper for 15s. for hardware
40 - Bill for dressmaking materials bought for Mrs Williams
41 - Bill for the repayment of £14 by Robert Williams of Penrhyn, co. Caernarvon, esq, to William Gillshauen, no. 1’s servant.
42 - Bill for clothing purchased (waistecoats, caps, a serge coat, petticoats, a silk coat, gloves and stockings) from Walter Mercer
43 - Receipt of Thomas Price to Roberts Williams Esq. for £36 18s, being one years’ rent due to Gilbert Gaynes and Daniell Charlwood.
44 - Receipt of Evan Lloyd of Havodllwyvog, co. Caernarvon, gent. to Robert Williams of Conwey, co. Caernarvon, Esq. for £40 due under the terms contained in certain indentures dated January 31, 1658-9.
45 - Receipt of Robert Evans to Robert Williams, Esq. for 56s., being 4 months’ pay of a trooper and one horse charged upon Robert Williams by the Committee for the Militia of North Wales.
46 - Receipt of Elianor Conway to Robert Williams, Esq. for £4 10s. being six months’ interest due upon a sum of £150 on September 19, 1659
47 - Receipt of Thomas Henshaw to Robert Williams, Esq. for £10 to the use of Robert Clarkson, being part payment of a debt of £19.
48 - Receipt of John Williams, Sheriff of co. Caernarfon to Harry Parry and John Williams, agents of Robert Williams, Esq. and William Hookes, gent. , commissioners for the commotes of Issaph and Creuddyn and the town of Conway for £88 5s 8d. being the sum of the Poll Money imposed on the said commotes.
49 - Receipts relating to Robert Williams
50 - Receipt of Hugh Morris for 7s 6d. being the King’s rent for lands in Eglwys Vach due from Robert Williams, Esq.
51 - Receipt of G. Bodurda to Abraham Williams, Drover for £48 15s to the use of Robert Williams of Conwey, co. Caernarvon, Esq.
52 - Receipt of Hugh Morris for 7s. 6d. being the King’s rent due from Robert Williams Esq. for his lands Eglwys Vach.
53 - Receipt of Katherin Robinson to Robert Williams Esq. for £7 16s being the rent of Cae-llwyn-y, Powell and Gwern Bwrs for one year to the use of Capt. Nicholas Bayly.
54 - Receipt of Hugh Morris to Robert Williams Esq. for 7s 6d. being the King’s rent due for the half year ending March 25, 1663.
55 - Receipt of Hugh Morris for 7s 6d. being the King’s rent for one half year due from Sir Robert Williams Bart. for his lands in Eglwys Vach.
56 - Receipt of Edward Williams to Sir Roberts Williams, Bart. for £2 1s, being the King’s rent issuing out of ‘Penrhin lands’
57 - Receipt of Dame Gwen Williams to Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, co. Caernarvon, Bart., no. 1’s son for £60 19s 6d being the purchase money of severall particulars’ sold by no. 1 to no. 2, and for £7, being the half year’s rent of a tenement called Glanllygwy.
58 - Receipt for rent of Penrhyn Lands written in the hands of Sir Robert Williams, Bart. Also includes a card with details of the Penrhyn railroad and horses.
59 - Receipt of Roger Wynne to Robert Williams of Penrhyn, Bart. for £20 due to Roger Wynne ‘by a Bill’.
60 - Receipt of Evan John Salisbury of Llanfair Tal Hayarne, co. Denbigh, gent. to Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, co Caernarvon, Bart. for £10 being the consideration money mentioned in a deed to lead the uses of a fine (dated August 1, 1673) of one cottage, common baking house and garden in Conwey, co. Caernarvon.
61 - Bill for the repayment of £10 to Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn, co. Caernarvon, Bart. by John Edward of Aberkegin, yeoman.
62 - Receipt of Lewis Parry to Thomas Williams of Penrhyn for 3½d being the mise for a vacant house in Bangor
63 - An account of what the boatmen did, being John ap Rhydderch’s bill for 7s. 6d. for the carriage of barley to Llanrwst (sold to Mr Salisbyri of Placeissaph).
64 - Bill for £1 4s 9d being legal charges incurred during an action between Sir Robert Williams Bart., and Catherin Bodurda, widow relating to the will of ‘Mr Bodurda’. Appended: Receipt (dated March 29, 1681) of Ow’ Hughes to Thomas Williams for the bill
65 - Bill of Sara Ashton for £3 for beer, barley, malt and the ‘rent of the barn’ for one year, due from Sir Robert Williams.
66 - Bill of William Venables for 12s 6d for straw and carriage of hay.
67 - Receipt of Rondl Williams to Sir Robert Williams for £1 3s 6d. being his wages.
68 - Receipt of Rondle Jones, clerk to Thomas Williams for 12s. being the quarterly payment due from Sir Robert Williams Bart., deceased for ‘Instructing of young children at Llandegay’
69 - Receipt of Thomas Bolland and Daniel Batho to Thomas Williams for 4s. , being the poor rate [due from Sir Robert Williams] at St. John’s parish, [Chester]
70 - Receipt of Thomas Nayler to Thomas Williams, steward to Sir Robert Williams for £1 4s. for making ‘new weels’ and mending ‘the Charret’.
71 - Receipts for wages received by Henry Ashton, Mary Venables, Elener Knowls, Mary Daves, Peter Philkin and Robert Williams from Thomas Williams.
72 - Receipt of Thomas Davies to Mr. Thomas Williams for £4 10s. for four picture frames.
73 - Receipt of Frances Williams to Thomas Williams for a total sum of £79 19s 2d being rents Thomas Williams received from Frances Williams’ tenants in Bashall, Yorkshire; monies to paid to Robert Clarkson of London, mercer and John Jones Tayler for ‘things had’ and ‘work done’ for Sir Robert Williams’ funeral and money to be paid to Mr Tyler, Glasier for mending windows.
74 - Receipt of Thomas Roberts to Thomas Williams for £27 10s, being the rent for one year of a farm called Pemboll due to Nicholas Bagenall, Esq.
75 - Receipt of Richard Jones to Thomas Williams for £1 13s 6d. for work done for Sir Robert Williams before his death ‘and at the funerall’.
76 - Bill of Gro’ Dicus for 10s 9d. for nails, corks etc. due from Sir Robert Williams. Appended: Receipt of Gro’ Dicus to Thomas Williams (dated February 4, 1680-1) for 10s. 9d.
77 - Bill of William Johnson, smith for shoeing horses etc. for Sir Robert Williams
78 - Bill of Samuel Johnson for £1 16s 9d. due from Sir Robert Williams for meals, hay, fodder etc.
79 - Receipt of Hugh Lewis to Thomas Williams of Penrhyn for an unstipulated sum of money ‘for making a Causey that broken in Sr. Robert’s time before his death being sixty yards of pavement.’
80 - Receipt of William Prichard to Thomas Williams of Penrhyn Gent. for 10s. being expenses due from Sir Robert Williams Bart., deceased for a journey to Chester.
81 - Receipt of William Prichard of Llanllechid, co. Caernarvon, yeoman. to Edward Williams of Meillionydd, co. Caernarvon, Esq. for the sum of £61 4s, being the rent for the lease of certain lands now in the tenure of no. 2.
82 - Receipt of Edmund Williams to Edward Williams of Meillionydd Esq., executor of Sir Robert Williams of Penrhyn for £1 6s. for seven barrels ‘which were taken to the use of Sr Robert before his death’.
83 - Receipt of Thomas Griffith to Edward Williams of Mellyonidd, co. Caernarvon, Esq., executor of Sir Robert Williams, late of Penrhyn, co. Caernarvon, Bart., deceased for 15s, being a compensation for the loss of 3 years of the term of a lease for 21 years of a tenement in Maynol Bangor granted to him by Sir Robert Williams.
84 - Receipt of William Arthur to Mr Thomas Williams, Steward of Sir John Williams Bart., for £10 (paid by direction of Edward Williams Esq., executor of Sir Robert Williams Bart., deceased, being ‘a parcel of tieth (tithe) for the parish of Llanbadricke’, co. Anglesey.
85 - Receipt of Griffith Robert to Thomas Williams of Penrhyn for £46 being ‘the prinsipl and Intrest of a leas and Bond of performans mad to me by Sr Robert Williams Bart. m.d… nov 22, 1679 being the leas… not good.’
86 - Receipt of Rickard John Rowland and Rowland Morris to Edward Williams of Meillionydd, co. Caernarvon for £18 (received by the hands of Thomas Williams), being money due to them from Sir Robert Williams late deceased by reason that the lease which he made unto us was not good after his decease’.
87 - Receipt of Griffith ap Robert of Llanllechid, Corvicer and grace verch Hugh wife of Robert Owen of Aber Garth Gelyn, co. Caernarvon to Edward Williams of Meillionydd for £10 (received by the hands of Thomas Williams), being ‘in full payment and satisfaction of and for a Lease of certaine lands to us heretofore leased by Sir Robert Williams Bart., deceased and by us assigned and set over unto the said Edward Williams.
88 - Receipt of Richard Bedward to Griffith Williams for 10s. , being relief due on the lands of John Williams, deceased in the commote of Llwchgwyrfai, co. Caernarvon.
89 - Cost of services provided by John Hughes to The Right Hon. Lord Penrhyn
90 - Cost of services provided by J. Hughes. This being costs incurred in a case in the King’s Bench, Caernarvonshire between Richard Pennant Esq Lord Penrhyn- Plaintiff and William Griffith Mariner- Defendant
91 - Solicitor costs. This being costs incurred for a case between Richard Pennant Esq. Lord Penrhyn and Richard Woosnam, merchant- Defendant. The solicitor is unknown
92 - Bill of Costs of J.Hughes. This being for costs incurred from John Price’s Bankruptcy.
93 - Costs of services provided by J. Hughes. This being costs incurred in a distress for rent to Lord Penrhyn from John Jones and John Doubavaud.
94 - Bundle of Receipts of payments made by G.H.D.Pennant to various individuals for work carried out, payments of land tax and rent allowances. There are also correspondence addressed to Lord Penrhyn from Jas Greenfield and a letter between John Jenkyns and J.H. Markland Esq respecting transactions of Lord Penrhyn.
95 - Bundle of receipts for accounts being for payments relating to the accounts of freights, expenditure of the garden, nursery, pleasure grounds and plantations at Penrhyn, Sawmill account, storage account and employee payment receipts. There’s also a shooting card for ‘Quarry Moor- Penrhyn Estate’ for August 1905.
96 - Bundle of Lord Penrhyn’s Accounts for various payments. This includes various accounts such as: the limekiln account, account relating to manure, building new foundry, payment of wages, farm straw account, poor's rate, slate carriage, storage account, freight account, port sundries, coal yard account, the keepers account, mining account and account of wine for St. Ann’s church.
97 - Bundle of receipts of amendments made to the half year and annual rent of tenants on the Penrhyn Estate. Includes details of the amount allowed by Mr. Wyatt, the name of the tenant, the premises and date.
98 - Account of Receipts of The Trustees of the Penrhyn Settled Estates
99 - Bundle of receipts relating to allowances including receipts where Mr Wyatt agrees to allowances for tenants for their rent.
100 - Invoice to Col. Douglas Pennant from James Smethurst. Includes a bill for the oil sold to Col. Douglas Pennant from James Smethurst an oil merchant from New Bond Street, London.
101 - Bundle of income tax receipts for the payments of various individuals under the Penrhyn estate in the parishes of Bangor, Garth, Borth, Llanfairfechan and Penyffridd.
102 - Bundle of receipts relating to the allowance granted from the rent of tenants of the Penrhyn Estate
103 - Bundle of receipts relating to payments of income and property tax in the parish of Bangor (properties and various individuals on the Penrhyn estate)
104 - Income Tax Receipts of E.G.D.Pennant ( property and income tax receipts for the township of Bangor)
105 - Bundle of income tax receipts
106 - Bundle of receipts relating to the allowance granted from the rent of tenants of the Penrhyn Estate
107 - Bundle of income tax and allowances receipts including payments of various individuals under the Penrhyn estate for the parish of Bangor.
108 - Bundle of property tax and allowances receipts, including receipts for property tax for various properties in the parish of Bangor, together with moieties due.
109 - Bundle of receipts of E.G.D.Pennant
110 - Income Tax Receipts of the Honble Col. Pennants for the Lleyn and Eifionydd Estate
111 - Bundle of income tax receipts
112 - Bundle of receipts
113 - Bundle of property and income tax receipts
114 - Bundle of property income tax receipts
115 - Bundle of income tax receipts, including income tax payments of various individuals in the parishes of Pentre Cennin, Llanarmon, Llanystundwy, Pistyll, Meilldeyrn, Aberdaron and Llanfaelrhys.
116 - Receipts of income tax and ground rent which includes summaries of income tax for various individuals for the parishes of Lanrhychwyn, Aber and Llanfairfechan in the county of Caernarfon.
117 - Bundle of receipts of the payments made by Col. Pennant
118 - Bundle of income tax receipts
119 - Income Tax Receipts
120 - Bundle of income tax receipts
121 - Folder containing accounts and income tax receipts for Caernarfonshire
122 - Bundle of income tax receipts for properties in the county of Caernarfon
123 - Bundle of income tax receipts
124 - Bundle of income tax receipts
125 - Bundle of income tax receipts for properties in the County of Caernarfon
126 - Bundle of income tax receipts for various parishes in the Penrhyn Estate
127 - Bundle of income tax receipts and receipts of the Hon. Col. Pennant
128 - Bundle of income tax receipts
129 - Receipt of the Hon G.D. Pennant to Charles F. Murdoch
130 - Bundle of income tax receipts for various parishes in the Penrhyn Estate
131 - Receipt for Messrs Ransom Bouverie & Co. to Revd F.C. Addison
132 - Account of the Rt. Hon. Lord Penrhyn with the Penrhyn Land Agency together with receipts
133 - Land Revenues of the Crown in the Principality of Wales and the Counties of Chester and Monmouth
134 - Bundle of income tax receipts
135 - Receipt of the rent due from Lord Penrhyn to the Duke of Westminster
136 - Account of Lord Penrhyn with the Penrhyn Land Agency together with Receipts
137 - Account of Lord Penrhyn with Penrhyn Land Agency together with a bundle of receipts
138 - Transcript of shorthand notes taken from an appeal of The Right Hon. Edward Sholto Baron Penrhyn to the Special Commissioners for Income Tax
139 - Receipts of Humphrey & Son, Crown Ironmongery Stores, High St., Bangor
140 - Bundle of receipts relating to the Anglesey Shipping Co.
141 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
142 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
143 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
144 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
145 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
146 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
147 - Receipts relating to the S.S. Penrhyn
148 - Envelope containing receipts and tax forms
Expand 7 - Wages and Pensions7 - Wages and Pensions
Expand 8 - Sundries8 - Sundries
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Expand 15 - Penrhyn Quarry15 - Penrhyn Quarry
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