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Collapse PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional  PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional
Expand 1 - Early deeds1 - Early deeds
Expand 2 - Deeds post 18002 - Deeds post 1800
Expand 3 - Bundles of deeds3 - Bundles of deeds
Expand 4 - Rentals 4 - Rentals
Expand 5 - Jamaica5 - Jamaica
Expand 6 - Maps and plans6 - Maps and plans
Expand 7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories
Collapse 8 - Post 1800 Correspondence8 - Post 1800 Correspondence
Expand 1 - Estate including county matters1 - Estate including county matters
Expand 2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.
Expand 3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.
Expand 4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.
Expand 5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry
Expand 6 - Political6 - Political
Expand 7 - Financial7 - Financial
Expand 8 - Personal and family correspondence8 - Personal and family correspondence
Expand 9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.
Expand 10 - Mixed bundles10 - Mixed bundles
Collapse 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
Expand 9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)
Expand 10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.
Expand 11 - Post 1800 Legal documents11 - Post 1800 Legal documents
Expand 12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles
Expand 13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous
Expand 14 - Estate Administration 14 - Estate Administration
Expand 15 - Penrhyn Quarry15 - Penrhyn Quarry
Expand 16 - Politics and electioneering16 - Politics and electioneering
Expand 17 - Personal17 - Personal
Expand 18 - Patronage 18 - Patronage
Expand 19 - Events19 - Events
Expand 20 - Printed material20 - Printed material
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