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Collapse PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional  PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional
Expand 1 - Early deeds1 - Early deeds
Expand 2 - Deeds post 18002 - Deeds post 1800
Expand 3 - Bundles of deeds3 - Bundles of deeds
Expand 4 - Rentals 4 - Rentals
Expand 5 - Jamaica5 - Jamaica
Expand 6 - Maps and plans6 - Maps and plans
Expand 7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories
Collapse 8 - Post 1800 Correspondence8 - Post 1800 Correspondence
Expand 1 - Estate including county matters1 - Estate including county matters
Expand 2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.
Collapse 3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.
1 - Letter from Lithographic Establishment, Gate Street regarding drawings on stones
2 - Report of the analysis of water samples taken from Penrhyn Castle provided by the Liverpool Royal Infirmary School of Medicine
3 - Small bundle of correspondence relating to Penrhyn Castle management including two envelopes of letters relating to wine and letters giving character for Mr Barnad, who applied for the post of Head Gamekeeper in 1903
4 - Letter relating to a trilobite purchased by Lord Penrhyn.
5 - Letter from J. Williams to Lady Penrhyn regarding plans for large and small Dining Rooms.
6 - Letter detailing how to find the various keys required to open the strong room
7 - Two envelopes giving character of applicants for posts working with horses. One envelope is in relation to the application of Charles Coll and the other Julian Chandler.
8 - Letter from Dr Hofstede de Groot (former director of the Print Room at the Rijksmuseum and Rembrandt expert) requesting permission to photograph the Rembrandt for a complete edition of Rembrandts works. Refers to the fact that the Rembrandt is currently on display at Burlington House
9 - Letter regarding the loan of the Rembrandt to an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts
10 - Letter from Horace Buttery regarding the need to transfer the painting of St Luke and the Virgin
11 - Letter from Walter Armstrong to Lord Penrhyn
12 - Letter from Edward Poynter (Royal Academy of Art) suggesting that the Rembrandt be restored while in London. Describes the painting as being in a 'dangerous' condition and suggests that Dyer at the academy work on it
13 - Letter from Buttery (painting restorer) regarding the Rembrandt
14 - Letter from Walter Armstrong to Lord Penrhyn
15 - Letter requiring further information about painting of 1st Baron Penrhyn by Romney
16 - Letter with sales details of 2 gilt console tables with marble tops. Includes accompanying sketch
17 - Correspondence from F. A. Hughes to Lady Penrhyn regarding the 'Bangor Sketches by W. Pickering' Two letters, one of which thanks Lady Penrhyn for the loan of the pictures, and one which requests permission to copy some of them. Both letters make reference to Lady Penrhyn receiving news from the front in South Africa
18 - Letter from St John's College, Cambridge and two sketches of a portrait of John Williams with 'Picture at Hovingham' written underneath
19 - Letter from Durlacher Bros. relating to arrangements for a cabinet maker to repair furniture and list of work carried out
20 - Envelope of correspondence relating to an ormolu candlestick bought from a Mr Tanner, alleged to have connections with Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie)
21 - Letter from Alice Douglas Pennant to Lord Penrhyn regarding a Dieric Bouts painting lent to an exhibition in Bruges.
22 - Letter from E.C. Clayton containing list of wine belonging to Lord Penrhyn at Stratford House, Newmarket. Letter mentions libel case against the Licensed Victuallers Mirror
23 - Letter from John Sparks of Japanese Fine Art Depot regarding scrum. Remarks that while he has seen many Chinese scrums of a similar nature, he has never seen a finer one. Thinks it probably part of a twelvefold scrum originally
Expand 4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.
Expand 5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry
Expand 6 - Political6 - Political
Expand 7 - Financial7 - Financial
Expand 8 - Personal and family correspondence8 - Personal and family correspondence
Expand 9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.
Expand 10 - Mixed bundles10 - Mixed bundles
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
Expand 9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)
Expand 10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.
Expand 11 - Post 1800 Legal documents11 - Post 1800 Legal documents
Expand 12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles
Expand 13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous
Expand 14 - Estate Administration 14 - Estate Administration
Expand 15 - Penrhyn Quarry15 - Penrhyn Quarry
Expand 16 - Politics and electioneering16 - Politics and electioneering
Expand 17 - Personal17 - Personal
Expand 18 - Patronage 18 - Patronage
Expand 19 - Events19 - Events
Expand 20 - Printed material20 - Printed material
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