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Collapse PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional  PFA - Penrhyn Castle Further Additional
Expand 1 - Early deeds1 - Early deeds
Expand 2 - Deeds post 18002 - Deeds post 1800
Expand 3 - Bundles of deeds3 - Bundles of deeds
Expand 4 - Rentals 4 - Rentals
Expand 5 - Jamaica5 - Jamaica
Expand 6 - Maps and plans6 - Maps and plans
Expand 7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories7 - Surveys, valuations and inventories
Collapse 8 - Post 1800 Correspondence8 - Post 1800 Correspondence
Expand 1 - Estate including county matters1 - Estate including county matters
Expand 2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.2 - Slate trade including Penrhyn Quarry, Port Penrhyn, Strike etc.
Expand 3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.3 - Household including chattels, provisions, staff etc.
Expand 4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.4 - Charitable including begging and thank you letters, subscriptions etc.
Collapse 5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry5 - Legal including documents relating to W.J. Parry
1 - Letter from J.H. Markland, Temple, relating to enclosures and the crown
2 - Bound book of correspondence received by H. Barber (solicitor) from Lord Boston, Lord Penrhyn, Hon G.S. Pennant etc. Vol 1, 1862-73. Note in the hand of George Sholto Douglas Pennant can be found inside the cover leaf listing letters of interest and in the back leaf is a printed copy of 'The Penrhyn Lock Out' the 1st appeal by the Relief Committee in 1901 with 'Libel' written on it, and an envelope containing draft agreement of quarry wages 1885. Book of correspondence bound and donated to Lord Penrhyn following the death of H. Barber in 1894
3 - Correspondence from Mr Swan, and Mr Barber, Lord Penrhyn's solicitor, relating to non-payment of expenses to Mr Swan for notes taken at the 'Betws y Coed investigation'. Barber details payments agreed, payments made and the circumstances. [During the listing process this letter was discovered sealed in an envelope that was opened by the cataloguer in August 2012]
4 - Bound book of correspondence received by H. Barber (Solicitor) from Lord Penrhyn, Hon G.S.D. Pennant and Lady Penrhyn Vol 2. 1874-86 Book of correspondence bound and donated to Lord Penrhyn following the death of H. Barber in 1894
5 - Letter from Lord Newborough regarding legal dealings with Liverpool Mercury
6 - Letters from Lewis & Lewis regarding case of Penrhyn vs. Gale
7 - Letter from Sir Llewelyn Turner, Parkia, Caernarfon giving extract from the Caernarfon herald of 4 November 1892 re. W.J. Parry's common lands enquiry
8 - Box file of correspondence from H. Vincent (solicitor). Also contains letters from others relating to legal matters, the quarry, estate. Some also have printed newspaper articles attached. Quite a few documents relate to the libel case against W.J. Parry. Also contains documents relating to Capel Curig railway, petition against the 'North Wales Electric Power Bill' by Lord Penrhyn, and the electoral manifesto/pamphlet of Hugh Corbett Vincent
9 - Letter from H. Lloyd Carter regarding possible partnership with Mr Mostyn Roberts. Refers to Lord Penrhyn's invariable kindness to himself 'in sickness and in health'
10 - Letter of acknowledgement from Lord Penrhyn to Lloyd Carter
11 - Letter from H. Lloyd Carter (solicitor) regarding W.J. Parry. Letter indicates that the firm would like to sue Parry (written four years before they did on behalf of Penrhyn)
12 - Correspondence between Hugh Vincent and Lord Penrhyn regarding the formers connections with the Pantdreiniog Quarry and Cefnfaes estate (and consequently W.J. Parry) Also contains letter from K. Chapreic? Of Eichorn Austria on the envelope of which Lord Penrhyn has written W.J. Parry application for appointment. Vincent confirms that the firm (including all partners) have completely severed their connections with both quarry and estate, and that Douglas-Jones has sold his shares in the quarry. Lord Penrhyn replied that he did not feel he could ask the firm to do so, but he is glad they have
13 - Letter from J.E. Vincent giving advice to Lord Penrhyn on handling the Chief Constable, calling in the militia, and a pamphlet that is to be published and W.J. Parry. Suggests caution in relation to W.J. Parry and says 'we can break W.J. Parry afterwards'
14 - Letter from P.A. Lloyd to Lord Penrhyn relating to a request by W.J. Parry to use correspondence between himself and Lloyd
15 - Two letters from Hugh Vincent (solicitor) to Lord Penrhyn relating to the publications of W.J. Parry's second appeal in the Daily News. Vincent advises Lord Penrhyn against writing to the Daily News with the threat of action: 'I should personally not advise proceedings being taken. I am afraid your Lordship will think I am always advising you against fighting, but the fact is I am anxious to keep you out of litigation unless some really useful purpose can be served by it & we are also reasonably certain of success.'
16 - Letter from R. Williams 22 Dinorwic Street Caernarfon relating to evidence against W.J. Parry. Letter also alludes to the necessity of using the press (both Welsh and English) to 'enlighten those who are deluded'. Also contains paragraph to be circulated amongst the English papers
17 - Correspondence between Fred Milner of Hamsell Manor, Eridge Sussex and Lord Penrhyn, where Milner pledges support for Lord Penrhyn in the upcoming libel action and discusses the recent visit of the Bethesda choir to his constituency. Letters contain some interesting insights of Lord Penrhyn's emotions in relation to the strike, and contains comments about his 'chief flanderer' (W.J.Parry) and the Bethesda Choir 'I am very glad to say that the Bethesda gents had a very sparse audience in my constituency, & I doubt if they covered their expenses.' Mentions the idea that Lord Penrhyn should issue some form of printed statement to be sent to the local papers wherever the choir will be performing so that his side of the story can be made known. Lord Penrhyn asserts that 'The people who are going about in choirs from Bethesda under the auspices of the Committee of the relief fund at that place are spreading no end of lies about me & about the origin of the strikes, they are in fact obtaining money from the British public under false pretences and I often wish some one would pull them up for it as it would have a most salutary effect.'
18 - Two letters from Hugh Vincent regarding the taxation of W.J. Parry following victory in the libel case
19 - Two letters from the former landlady of the Union Hotel Garth, who claims to have been drugged by doctors under a charge of lunacy and her possessions taken from her by W. J. Parry. Written on the envelope is ask H. Vincent and Lunatic
Expand 6 - Political6 - Political
Expand 7 - Financial7 - Financial
Expand 8 - Personal and family correspondence8 - Personal and family correspondence
Expand 9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.9 - Leisure including horse racing, hunting etc.
Expand 10 - Mixed bundles10 - Mixed bundles
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
Expand 9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)9 - Post 1800 Printed Material (including translations of printed items)
Expand 10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.10 - Post 1800 Financial Papers including accounts, vouchers, cash books etc.
Expand 11 - Post 1800 Legal documents11 - Post 1800 Legal documents
Expand 12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles12 - Post 1800 Mixed bundles
Expand 13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous13 - Post 1800 Miscellaneous
Expand 14 - Estate Administration 14 - Estate Administration
Expand 15 - Penrhyn Quarry15 - Penrhyn Quarry
Expand 16 - Politics and electioneering16 - Politics and electioneering
Expand 17 - Personal17 - Personal
Expand 18 - Patronage 18 - Patronage
Expand 19 - Events19 - Events
Expand 20 - Printed material20 - Printed material
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