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Collapse WYNN - Wynn Hall MssWYNN - Wynn Hall Mss
Collapse 1 - Personalia, family papers1 - Personalia, family papers
Expand 1 - Correspondence1 - Correspondence
Collapse 2 - Captain Hubert Wynn Kenrick Papers2 - Captain Hubert Wynn Kenrick Papers
246 - Photograph of Sydney Harbour
247 - Photograph of H W K on the deck of an unnamed ship.
248 - Photograph of five members of the crew of the "Nankin".
249 - Photograph of "Uncle Reggie James"
250 - Photographs of H W K as a child; as an adolescent; in a group of uniformed young officers; and as Master (in uniform)
251 - Navigational Note Book
252 - Table of Dead Weight Capacity
253 - Notes on the RNR in the hand of H W K
254 - Sailor's Cap-Band : P&O SS "NAMUR"
255 - Notes in H W K's hand regarding the taking and dropping of pilots
256 - Notes in H W K's hand on the nature of command
257 - Photographs
258 - Report on Hubert [Wynn] Kenrick from the Wilkes-Barre Public Schools, Third District "Primary Department"
259 - Papers relating to Hubert Wynn Kenrick aboard HM School Ship "Conway"
260 - Exercise book of H W K, a pupil aboard School Ship "Conway" at Liverpool.
261 - Log of the barque "Horsa", kept by H W K
262 - Envelope (empty) addressed to Master H[ubert] W[ynn] Kenrick, aboard the School Frigate "Conway" at Rock Ferry.
263 - Commonplace Book, H W K
264 - Diary of H. Wynn Kenrick
265 - Certificates of discharge of the Board of Trade - H W K
266 - Admission Ticket
267 - Newsletter of the ship the "Lowther Arcadia"
268 - Cargo Check Book
269 - Share Certificate
270 - Letter from the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen to Mr H W K
271 - Chess score sheet, [H. W.] Kenrick v. Keyte, at Chester
272 - Log book
273 - "Trooping Notes"
274 - Account of the Hindu burial site of burning, in Calcutta
275 - Clothing Issue List
276 - Photographs (2)
277 - Photographs (6)
278 - Photograph
279 - Supplementary (and supplementary night) Orders, troopships
280 - State and condition book (specimen copy) of the "P&O St Navig Co" in the hand of H W K
281 - Photographs
282 - Post Office Savings Book OF H W K
283 - Letter from J. R. Kendall of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to Capt A. M. Farquhar
284 - Special Memorandum
285 - Copy of "Chronometer" Tables
286 - RNR Drill Certificate
287 - Captain's Summary Log, P&O, S.S. "Tientsin"
288 - File Of Telegrams and confirmatory letter of the P&O St Navig Co to H W K RNR
289 - Cutting from the Shipping Gazette
290 - Algebrawork Book in the hand of H.W. Kenrick.
291 - Abstract Of Log
292 - Letter from I. M. Harvey, Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, Marine Dept, Board of Trade, to Capt H W K, RNR of P&O, SS "Tientsin"
293 - Account of "The Voyage of HMT[roonship] Soudan"
294 - "Regulations for the Appointment, Promotion and Employment of Officers in the Royal Naval Reserve (Revised to 31st December 1904)"
295 - Lithograph of "The Gt Russian Armada as it appeared to the Officers of the P&O SS "Poona"... in the China Sea
296 - Invitation
297 - Copy letter of Comdr H W K of SS "Chusan" to the Agent, Penninsula and Orient Steam Navig. Co., Shanghai
298 - Correspondence
299 - Annual Pass
300 - Photographs (2)
301 - Captain's Abstract Log Book
302 - Drill certificate
303 - Letter from J.R. Kendall of the Penninsular & Orient Steam Navigation Co., to Capt H W K RNR
304 - Letter from Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, to Cdr H W K RNR
305 - Navigation Work Book
306 - Rifle and Field Exercises for H.M. Fleet, 1909
307 - Captain's Abstract Log Book
308 - Navigation Work Book
309 - Instructions for Naval Landing Parties, 1910
310 - Letter from Admiral Commanding Coast Guard and Reserves to Cdr H W K, RD, RNR
311 - Letter from Collector of Customs, Calcutta, to H W K, Master of SS "Namur"
312 - Correspondence
313 - Letter from W. J. Howell at the Marine Dept., Board of Trade, to Cdr H W, RNR
314 - Prescriptions for medicaments
315 - Captain's Abstract Log Book
316 - Invitation to Dinner
317 - Admission card
318 - Review of the fleet
319 - Certificate
320 - Record of service
321 - Navigation work book
322 - Copy letter from Cdr [H W K] RNR aboard HT "Soudan" to the Director of Transports, Admiralty
323 - File of correspondence
324 - Newspaper cutting
325 - Passenger list
326 - Note of German imports, 1913
327 - Copy of abovementioned letter, Wynn Hall Ms 322
328 - Newspaper cutting
329 - Souvenir Diary
330 - Letter from O. Murray, Admiralty, to Cdr H W K, RD, RNR
Expand 331 - Miscellaneous items331 - Miscellaneous items
332 - Orders for crews at anti-aircraft huts
333 - Mess-Bills
334 - Brief note
335 - Plan
336 - Proposal
337 - Typescript instructions
338 - Draft letter from H W K to the Secretary of the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors
339 - Proforma
340 - Rough Notes
341 - Notes
342 - Notice
343 - Proforma
344 - Draft memo
345 - Confidential report
346 - Cyclostyled silhouette
347 - Official Forms
348 - List of vessels
349 - Report
350 - Letter from Cdr. [H W K] RNR (ret'd) to the Secretary of the Admiralty
351 - Letter from Rear Admiral, Director of Transports, Admiralty to Cmdr H W K, RNR
352 - Letter from Registrar Gen'l of Shipping to Comdr H W K RD, RNR (ret'd)
353 - Letter from A.M. Farquhar to Comdr K
354 - Copy letter from Comdr H W K RNR ret'd to the Reg Gen of Shipping Seamen
355 - Schedule of steamers
356 - Distance time-table
357 - Telegram
358 - Letter from the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen to Cdr H W K RNR (ret'd)
359 - Telegram
360 - Letter from Naval Reserves, Admiralty to Comdr H W K, RNR
361 - Letter from F. K. Kempson, at Admiralty to Comm [H. W.] Kenrick
362 - Copy letter from F.K. Kempson, Admiralty, to Cdr K
363 - Route order and traveling expense sheet
364 - Appointment
365 - Convoy miscellany
366 - File of Correspondence
367 - Letter from ? Cunningham at Customs and Excise to one Webb
368 - Draft tenancy agreement
369 - Submission
370 - Circular
371 - Mounted cutting from Lloyd's List giving list of British Prize Courts overseas
372 - Letter from Alice Kenrick in Walmer to her husband Comdr [H. W.] Kenrick, RNR at the Admiralty
373 - Submission
374 - Suggestions submitted to Director of Trade Division
375 - Submissions to Director of Trade Division
376 - Parties of vessels sailing from Port of London
377 - Wartime shipping miscellany
378 - Statistics
379 - Pay and enrolments
380 - Notices of dividend
381 - Letter from Alice Kenrick in Walmer to her husband, Commander [H. W.] Kenrick, RNR in London
382 - Summary of Results
383 - File of Correspondence
384 - Query submitted by Cmdr H W K, RNR
385 - Query submitted by Cmdr H W K RNR
386 - Return of work
387 - Submission
388 - Silhouette sketch
389 - Plan
390 - Rough note book
391 - 3 Medical Cards
392 - Notices of dividend
393 - Notices of dividend
394 - Notices of dividend
395 - Notices of dividend
396 - Issues of the naval review
397 - Letter from Alice [Kenrick] in Worthing to "Hubert" [Capt H W K, RNR]
398 - Letter from the Secretary of the Admiralty to the Director of Trade Division
399 - Letter from a ship's master who wishes to have his name and cert-number changed
400 - Letter from H W K to Director of Trade Division
401 - Memorandum
402 - Letter from [H W K?] to a Mr Hipwood
403 - Letter from Acting Secretary, Order of the British Empire, Home Office, to Cdr H W K, RD
404 - Circular Letter from the Chairman of the P&O SN Co. to Cdrs and other officers
405 - Application card
406 - Correspondence
407 - Notes in H W K's hand
408 - Warrant
409 - Printed warning
410 - Letter from Cmdr H W K, RNR, to Director of Trade Division
411 - Letter from the Registrar and Secretary of the Central Chancery of the Order of Knighthood, to Cdr. Hubert Kenrick, RNR
412 - Copy Letter from Cmdr H W K to Director of Mercantile Movements
413 - Letter from Admiralty to Acting Capt H W K OBE RD RNR
414 - Letter from Collector of Customs to Capt H W K, OBE, RNR
415 - Letter from P. Harris to Capt Kenrick, both at Admiralty
416 - Letter from Frederick Harrison, lessee and manager of the Haymarket Theatre, S.W.1. to Capt. Kenrick.
417 - Generally circulated message of congratulations
418 - Supplementary Report
419 - Notes in H W K's hand
420 - Copy extracts of letters
421 - Various printed ephemera
422 - Letter from W. J. Evans, Admiralty to Capt H W K, OBE, RD
423 - Letter from H. W. Kenrick at Admiralty to W. J. Evans
424 - Suggestions of the Admiralty Reconstruction Committee
425 - Declaration
426 - Letter from Frederick A. Whitehead, aboard HMS Royal Oak, Grand Fleet, to "Dear Kenrick"
427 - Particulars
428 - Cutting
429 - Letter : W. J. Evans at Admiralty to Captain H W K
430 - Cutting from Lloyd's List
431 - Newspaper cutting (mounted)
432 - Issuing Instructions
433 - Printed table
434 - Rough notes
435 - Letter from Lloyd's of London to Capt H W K OBE RD RNR
436 - Letter from D. Jenkins Master of SS Langton Hall, to Capt H. W. Kenrick, RNR
437 - Copy Letter from Capt [H W K] RNR to Shipping Intelligence Officer
438 - Printed work
439 - File of correspondence
440 - Letter from Secretary, Trinity House to Capt H W K OBE RD RNR
441 - Letter from the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd. to the Admiralty Shipping Intelligence Officer (HWK)
442 - Note
443 - Letter from Lord Inchcape at Glenapp Castle to Capt. H W K, RNR.
444 - Letter from Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd to Capt H W K RD RNR
445 - Letter from V.W. Baddeley, Admirality, on behalf of the Lord Commissioners, to Capt H W K, OBE, RD RNR
446 - Letter from [H W K] to Sir Oswyn Murray
447 - Letter from [H W K] to the Secretary of the Admiralty
448 - Letter from Messrs Lawrence Jones and Co. Solrs, of London to Capt Kenrick, RNR
449 - Copy letter from H W K to Captain Hotham
450 - Certificate of service
451 - Letter from [Captain] Alan Hotham to "Dear Kenrick"
452 - Certificate of service
453 - Moonlight chart
454 - Letter from Registrar General of Shipping to Capt H W K, OBE, RD, RNR, (ret'd)
455 - Photograph
456 - Correspondence between H W K and the Admiralty
457 - Notices of dividend
458 - Copy letters of Captain [H W K} RNR (ret'd) to the New Zealand Shipping Co Ltd, London
459 - Firearms certificate
460 - Notices of dividend
461 - Notices of dividend
462 - Certificates of Education
463 - Notices of Dividend
464 - Letter from London and Lancs Ins Co Ltd to H W K
465 - Memorandum
466 - Correspondence
467 - Firearms (Pistol) Certificate
468 - Notices of dividend
469 - Letter from Edmund S. Perowne to Capt H W K, RNR ("Dear Sir & Brother").
470 - Reports and Accounts, P&O, SNC
471 - Report
472 - Account
473 - Letter from Capt H. M. Atkinson to ?
474 - Circular letter from Wm Jones, Clerk of the Peace, County of Denbigh to Capt C H W K at Wynn Hall
475 - Circular letter
631 - Newspaper cutting
Expand 3 - Photographs3 - Photographs
Expand 4 - General4 - General
Expand 2 - Pedigrees2 - Pedigrees
Expand 3 - Deeds, documents and papers3 - Deeds, documents and papers
Expand 4 - Surveys, valuations, particulars etc.4 - Surveys, valuations, particulars etc.
Expand 5 - Accounts5 - Accounts
Expand 6 - Industrial records6 - Industrial records
Expand 7 - Estate Correspondence7 - Estate Correspondence
Expand 8 - Maps and Plans8 - Maps and Plans
Expand 9 - Miscellaenous9 - Miscellaenous
Expand 10 - Printed10 - Printed
Expand 11 - Artefacts11 - Artefacts
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