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Collapse WYNN - Wynn Hall MssWYNN - Wynn Hall Mss
Expand 1 - Personalia, family papers1 - Personalia, family papers
Expand 2 - Pedigrees2 - Pedigrees
Expand 3 - Deeds, documents and papers3 - Deeds, documents and papers
Expand 4 - Surveys, valuations, particulars etc.4 - Surveys, valuations, particulars etc.
Collapse 5 - Accounts5 - Accounts
821 - Account "The State of ye Accompt of the rent of the fee farme of Ruthyn betweene Capt. Wynne, Hugh Courtney & Rice Vaughan"
822 - Inventory
823 - Almanack "Cennad oddiwrth y Ser : neu, Almanacc am y flwyddyn ... 1734 ... O Waith John Jones, Philomath"; 33rd ed.
824 - Accounts and general notes
825 - Estate accounts (Wynn Hall), pedigree notes (Kenrick) and scientific journals, etc:
826 - Attorneys' accounts
827 - Accounts and receipts relating to the affairs of George Speer, Edward and John Speer, Sarah Speer and Eliza Speer
828 - Sundry receipts for rents, etc
829 - Household accounts
830 - Account book
831 - Account
832 - Estate account of the executors of the late Mrs. Sarah Kenrick
833 - Accounts of Miss Eliza Speer, including monies received, amounts disbursed, investments, etc.
834 - Note of "monies received"
835 - Accounts "Miss Martha Kenrick's Share as Partner"
836 - Agreement
837 - Account
838 - Notebook
839 - Account Book
840 - Account
841 - Account Book
842 - Accounts
843 - Legacy Receipts etc
844 - Miscellaneous accounts
845 - Account
846 - Estimate
847 - Receipt
848 - Receipt
849 - Receipt
850 - Receipt
851 - Acknowledgement
852 - Receipted account
853 - Sundry Bills
854 - Journal
855 - Papers relating to the late Miss Mary Kenrick's Estate
856 - Cash-Book
857 - Bills
858 - Bundle of bills and notes
859 - Executors
860 - Statements
861 - Notices
862 - Receipts
863 - Receipt
864 - Papers
865 - Attorney's Account
866 - List compiled by the executors of the late Mary Kenrick of cheques drawn on the account
867 - Account book of the executors of the late M[ary]
868 - Cheque book of the late Mary Kenrick (N. P. Bank of England).
869 - Note
870 - Draft receipt
871 - Account
872 - Estimates
873 - Ledger
874 - Notification
875 - Grocery bills addressed to Mrs Wynn Kenrick at Chester
876 - Bank book
877 - Valuations
878 - Warrants
879 - Notices of dividend
880 - Account
881 - Note of payment of Miss L[ydia] Kenrick of 3s. to the Overseers of Ruabon Parish
882 - Account of W.W. Kenrick with John James, and Messrs. James & James
883 - Statements
884 - Copy account of Royalties
885 - Estimate
886 - Annuity accounts
887 - Letters and statements of account
888 - Accounts
889 - Accounts of Mrs M[ary] A[nne] Kenrick with Messrs. James & James.
890 - Rough note
891 - Accounts
892 - Miscellaneous vouchers
893 - Account book
894 - Summary sheets
895 - Account
896 - Fees
897 - Accounts
898 - Papers
899 - Notices
900 - Notice
901 - Wynn Hall Estate Account
902 - Calculation of Tithe Redemption Annuities
903 - Papers
904 - Receipt
905 - Accounts
906 - Statement of interest
Expand 6 - Industrial records6 - Industrial records
Expand 7 - Estate Correspondence7 - Estate Correspondence
Expand 8 - Maps and Plans8 - Maps and Plans
Expand 9 - Miscellaenous9 - Miscellaenous
Expand 10 - Printed10 - Printed
Expand 11 - Artefacts11 - Artefacts
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